I. Epistemology of social sciences and "Planology"
II. Analysis of the structural change and the future of the Welfare State
III. Spatial planning, territorial and urban
IV. Strategic planning in the public and non profit domain
I. Epistemology of social sciences and "Planology"

Between neo-Capitalism and post-Capitalism:
a challenging turn for societal reform

by Franco Archibugi [2008]


Planning Theory and Spontaneous Social Order Theory: a mine field

by Franco Archibugi [2006]


Complexity and Governance

by Franco Archibugi [2003]

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The Programming Approach:

Methodological Considerations Based on the

Contributions by Frisch, Tinbergen and Leontief

by Franco Archibugi [1999]

[download .pdf]

Program indicators: Their role and use in the integrated social or community programming

by Franco Archibugi [1996]

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An Instrument for environmental planning: The Land use Resource Matrix

by Franco Archibugi [1994]

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[versione italiana]

Global Planning:

The Role of Research and the Role of Institutions

by Franco Archibugi [1994]

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The resetting of Planning Studies

by Franco Archibugi [1992]

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Towards a New Discipline of Planning

by Franco Archibugi [1992]

[download .pdf]

Comprehensive social assessment: An essential instrument for environmental policy-making

by Franco Archibugi [1989]

[download .pdf]

Economy and Ecology: Towards sustainable Development

by Franco Archibugi [1989]

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Design for an Information System for Planning

by Franco Archibugi [1975]

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A Progess Report: The Quality of Life in a Method of Integrated Planning - Aspects of an Italian Research Project, 'Progetto Quadro'

by Franco Archibugi [1973]

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II. Analysis of the structural change and the future of the Welfare State

Between neo-Capitalism and post-Capitalism: a challenging turn for a societal reform

by Franco Archibugi [2008]

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Towards a Supra-national and Cosmopolitan Sovereignty: 

For the Planet’s Organisation and Peace

by Franco Archibugi [1999]

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[versione italiana]

Between Neo-Capitalism and Post-Capitalism:

The Current Tasks of a Political Left

by Franco Archibugi [1998]

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[versione italiana]

The Associative Solution

The Third Sector in a European Perspective

by Franco Archibugiand Mathias Koenig-Archibugi [1998]

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[versione italiana]

Structural Change in the Contemporary Economy: General aspects and labor policies implications.

by Franco Archibugi [1982]

[download .pdf]

The labour market basin: conceptual and methodological aspects

by Franco Archibugi [1981]

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Beyond Capitalist Planning: Planning for Development

by Franco Archibugi [1978]

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[Spanish Edition]

Beyond Capitalist Planning: The International Crisis

by Franco Archibugi, Jacques Delors and Stuart Holland [1978]

[download .pdf]
[Spanish Edition]

Beyond Capitalist Planning: Capitalist Planning in Question

by Franco Archibugi [1978]

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[Spanish Edition]

La définition des Objectifs de la programmation européenne

by Franco Archibugi [1964]

[French Edition]

Considérations sur l'évolution récente du mouvement syndical italien

by Franco Archibugi [1962]

[French Edition]

Recent Trends in Women's Work in Italy

by Franco Archibugi [1960]

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[French Edition]

Le obstacles que la nouvelle politique de négotiation doit surmonter en Italie

by Franco Archibugi [1957]
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III. Spatial planning, territorial and urban

An 'equipped axis' of the 1965 Master Plan of Rome: an excellent case study for an appropriated critical theory of planning.

by Franco Archibugi [2006]

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[versione italiana]

Planning Theory: Reconstruction or Requiem
for Planning?

by Franco Archibugi [2004]

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Rome: The New Master Plan of Rome

by Franco Archibugi [2001]

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[versione italiana]

The Programming Approach and Urban Economics

by Franco Archibugi [2000]

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The urban system concept and the role of the heritage cultural territorial units within its context

by Franco Archibugi [1998]

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Conservation and Development Strategies
for Larger Cities

by Franco Archibugi [1997]

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The Spatial Policy for the Strengthening of European Socio-Economic Cohension: Some Critical Approaches

by Franco Archibugi [1996]

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IV. Strategic planning in the public and non profit domain

Systematic Planning: An instrument for managerial innovation in Public Administration in the USA and Europe
by Franco Archibugi [1997]

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[versione italiana]

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